Behavior Management Policy

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Behavior Management Policy

Rewarding positive Behavior with positive attention.

At Tome International School we aim to value and respect one another, irrespective of age, gender, religious beliefs or nationality.


This policy underpins the principles, aims and strategies for promoting best Behavior at TIS. It is based on the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community – students, staff and parents – to provide a safe and positive learning environment. This policy should be read comprehensively in conjunction with the appendices for Cyber bullying, Anti-bullying, Rewards and Sanctions ladders as well as for Learning and Teaching and Moral Education as these underpin the ethos of the school. The Attendance and Punctuality policy and Safeguarding policy should also be referred to.


This policy outlines the underlying philosophy, nature, organization and management of student Behavior at TOME INTERNATIONALSCHOOL. It’s fair and consistent implementation is the responsibility of all staff.


This policy is designed to

  • Promote and reward positive Behavior
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Manage challenging Behavior in an assertive, non-confrontational and positive way
  • Ensure fairness and encourage consistency of response to both positive and inappropriate behavior
  • Promote early intervention
  • Enhance learning and teaching
  • Develop in students a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their own actions
  • Ensure that every member of the school community feels respected and valued
  • Enable all members of the school to live and work together in a positive, supportive way, promoting an environment where all feel happy, safe and secure
  • Ensure that all members of the school community will fully understand the consequences of failing to meet their responsibility to others.
  • At TIS we do not tolerate bullying of any kind. Any incidence of bullying is recorded by the Head of Year, Head of House and the Anti- bullying policy is followed. Please refer to TIS Anti-Bullying Policy Appendix This policy applies to all students:

    • In school
    • Travelling to and from school
    • On all school-based and Educational Visits and activities
    • When representing or commenting on the school in any capacity

    We expect students, staff and parents to work together to achieve the highest standards of behavior within and beyond the school, in accordance with this policy document. We model and promote positive behavior at every opportunity. We encourage each student to take responsibility for themselves and others, their learning and the environment. Positive behaviors We recognize:

    • Citizenship
    • Tolerance
    • Kindness
    • Commitment
    • Progress
    • Effort and perseverance
    • Achievement
    • Contributions to wider aspects of school life
    • Successes and achievements at individual and team levels within and outside school

    These positive behaviors are acknowledged and celebrated in a variety of ways, within the tutor / learning / year group, key stage and House, at tutor time, in lessons, assembly and with the wider school community through Staff Briefing, the TOME weekly, ‘The TSH Way’ and social media. Whole school expectations: The TIS Way If you are a student at TOME INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL you are: Kind, Polite, Tolerant, Confident and part of the school community. This is applies to ALL students, teachers, parents and staff. We will all

    • Say good morning and hello
    • Hold the door for others
    • Say please and thank you
    • Comfort someone if they are upset
    • Congratulate others for their achievements
    • Be open to ALL cultures, religions, ideas and nationalities
    • Speak politely and respectfully to people, even when angry or upset
    • Ensure that your appearance is impeccable and wear your uniform with pride
    • Support your school community and be proud of the school you attend Moving around school
    • Walking on the left
    • Walking quietly
    • Walking in an orderly manner
    • Being respectful of others, such as holding doors open for others
    • Rewards for positive behavior include:
    • Verbal praise
    • Informal conversation with parent in school
    • Class Charts rewards
    • Written praise or comment, for example in the home/school communication book (lower school) student planner (Middle/Upper School), email to parents.
    • Phone calls home
    • Display of work
    • Certificates, prizes and awards at assemblies and presentations
    • Giving of additional responsibility, for example, class rep, Head boy/girl, school council rep
    • Recognition of outstanding commitment and / or progress
    • Head Teacher/Principal Awards’ – for exceptional behavior, work or attitude.

    All colleagues refer to consequences when dealing with inappropriate behavior. This is intended to encourage the children to reflect on the choices they made.

    Any instance of inappropriate behavior will be subject to one or more consequence/sanctions. These will be determined by the severity and persistence of the inappropriate behavior and the circumstances.

    Consequences/Sanctions include:

    • Non-verbal Warning
    • Verbal warning
    • Time out in another classroom
    • Missing minutes of playtime
    • Contacting parents
    • Withdrawal from school-based or educational visits / activities
    • Isolation – internal, external


    Cyber-bullying is an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual using electronic forms of contact repeatedly, sometimes anonymously, 24/7 against a victim who cannot easily defend himself/herself Examples

    • Bullying by text or messages or calls on mobile phones
    • The use of mobile phone cameras to cause distress, fear or humiliationPosting threatening, abusive, defamatory or humiliating material on websites, to include blogs, personal websites and social networking site
    • Posting threatening, abusive, defamatory or humiliating material on websites, to include blogs, personal websites and social networking site
    • Using emails to message others
    • Hijacking/cloning email accounts
    • Making threatening, abusive, defamatory or humiliating remarks in chat rooms


  • All teaching and non-teaching staff, students and parents should have an understanding of what bullying and cyber/bullying is.
  • All teaching and non-teaching staff should know what the school policy is on bullying/ cyber bullying and follow it when bullying is reported.
  • All students and parents should know what the school policy is on bullying, Cyber bullying and what they should do if bullying arises.
  • As a school we take bullying in all forms seriously. Students and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported
  • TIS have a “zero tolerance” to Bullying.
  • Confidentiality will be maintained where possible.


This policy affects the entire TIS community - all the students, teaching and non-teaching staff, and parents.


The person who is displaying the bullying behaviors must be left in no doubt that bullying is unacceptable and that this conduct will be systematically monitored. As a general principle, however, it is best to avoid confrontation and harsh sanction, as aggression breeds aggression and the bully is likely to become more vindictive.

The person who is displaying the bullying behaviors is most likely to change their behavior when they are helped to see things from the target’s perspective and to feel social pressure from their peers rather than righteous indignation from adults. In this way, the person who is displaying the bullying behaviors may begin to realize that the group opinion is against them.

Risk factors

The following factors can be instigated by any form of bullying

  • Depression
  • Self-harming behaviors
  • Mental health issues
  • Eating disorders
  • Dropping out of school
  • Low self esteem
  • Suicide


TOME INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL will prevent bullying and cyber bullying by:

  • raising awareness of what bullying is
  • Promoting pro-social behavior.
  • Promoting strategies to protect and support the targets
  • Dealing effectively with incidents
  • Regularly review the Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Provide information and training for all members of staff to prevent bullying, manage incidents and create and maintain a culture of mutual respect free from bullying behavior.
  • Increase understanding and awareness of cyber bullying
  • Continue to promote ‘ zero tolerance’ and promote preventing all bullying through Assemblies, CEP, aiming to develop a whole school approach to self-monitoring with regards to bullying
  • Staff, students and parents to have agreed guidelines when cyber bullying become an issue within the school
  • To educate students and parents on what to do should cyber bullying arise, steps to protect themselves from cyber-bullying and how to report cyber-bullying

Legal issues

Cyber bullying is generally criminal in nature, and legislations in countries such as the USA, UK, Europe and Australia are beginning to change so that prosecutions can be made. In INDIA, it is illegal to use an IT System to:

  • Offend religious sanctities or encourage sins
  • Slander another person
  • Breach the privacy of another (e.g. by intercepting communications, taking photographs, publishing information, etc.).

Internet safety

The school endeavors to block access to inappropriate sites, each student will have a personal id to log on to their work.


The use of school buses is to ensure students travel safely to and from school. The following is a stepped action procedure to ensure the health and safety of the students is not put at risk whilst travelling on the bus.

Inappropriate Behavior on Bus includes:

  • Moving around the bus while it is moving
  • Standing up while the bus is moving
  • Throwing items inside, or outside of the bus
  • Shouting
  • Inappropriate language
  • Verbal and/or physical abuse towards others
  • Bullying or fighting
  • Littering
  • Damaging the bus
  • Distracting the driver
  • Refusing to follow instructions from the driver or
  • Failing to wear a seatbelt
  • Getting off at an unauthorized stop
  • Bringing friends onto the bus without written permission from the school
  • Placing anything outside of the windows of the bus at any time.
  • Eating or drinking on the bus
  • Breaking the alarm systems for no required reason

Inappropriate behavior

  • Level 1 Verbal warning by Tutor/ Class Teacher
  • Level 2 Verbal warning, letter/email to parents by Head of House.
  • Level 3 Formal written warning to parents and a formal detention
  • Level 4 A 3 day ban, to ensure safety of other passengers

Parent Complaints Policy and Procedures

TOME INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Parents Complaints Policy Complaints Procedures for Parents At TIS we welcome suggestions and comments from parents and take any complaints and concerns that they may raise very seriously. We encourage parents to bring these to our attention as early as possible so that we have the opportunity to rectify a problem or explain the school's position before a concern becomes more serious. A complaint will be treated as an expression of genuine dissatisfaction, to which we will respond.

All staff Endeavour to listen to what parents and stakeholders are saying and to work in partnership to resolve any problems or concerns. The school recognizes that a student’s education will be enhanced by the wholehearted support of parents and appropriate accessibility to its staffing body, Middle and Senior leadership Team.

Many worries or concerns can be managed without the need for formal procedures, providing that the concern is taken seriously and addressed at an early stage. In many cases, the class teacher will receive the first approach and the issue is resolved immediately. However, formal procedures will need to be invoked when initial attempts to resolve the issue remain unsuccessful and the person raising the concern remains dissatisfied and wishes to take the matter further.

Our school aims to be fair, open and honest when dealing with any complaint. We give careful consideration to all complaints and deal with them as swiftly as possible. We aim to resolve any complaint through dialogue and mutual understanding and, in all cases, we put the interests of the child above all other issues. We provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed, and then resolved.

It is inevitable in any institution that there are occasions when parents or other stakeholders are dissatisfied with the service provided. This Policy advises all persons on how to direct a complaint and the potential escalation procedures around this.

We will to ensure that:

  • Parents who wish to make a complaint know how to do so
  • We respond to complaints within a reasonable time and in a courteous and efficient way
  • Parents realize that we will listen and take all complaints
  • We take appropriate action where necessary

How should I complain?

Parents who have a concerns or complaint, should normally raise these in the first instance with their child's class teacher or form tutor by letter, email, telephone or by verbally requesting a meeting. If the parent is not satisfied with the response of the class teacher or form tutor or feel that the matter is sufficiently sensitive or serious, they should contact the Head of Year who will then be able to liaise with relevant staff, put the parent in contact with the appropriate member of the Senior Management Team or refer the parent directly to the Head of School. Parents may feel that they should contact the Head of School directly, especially on a matter of great importance or sensitivity, however, matters usually have to be referred back to the Head of Year, therefore it is best to seek his/her advice in the first instance.

Parents can also write directly to the Principal if the matter is of serious concern, although the issue would still have to be referred back to and discussed with appropriate members of the School Management Team.

What will happen next?

If a parent raises an issue face to face or by telephone or email, it will hopefully be possible to resolve the matter immediately and to their satisfaction. If the parent has made a complaint or suggestion in writing, they will receive a response within two working days, acknowledging their letter and explaining how they/the school propose to proceed.

In many circumstances, the person contacted may need to discuss the issue with one or more colleagues and consider further before a response can be made. The parent will be given a date by which they will receive a further response. If a detailed explanation of the issue is needed, a letter or report will be sent to the parent as quickly as possible, informing them of the outcome of their complaint and will explain any action taken or proposed. Alternatively, the parent may be invited to a meeting at the school. The Principal’s will keep a written record of all significant parental complaints and their outcome

All complaints should be dealt with within 7 working days. Where a complaint is considered more complex and requires additional time for investigation, the lead investigator should inform the complainant with a realistic timeline.

Social Media Policy

Our Mission Statement

At TOME INTERNATIONALSCHOOL, HYDERABAD, we strive to develop in students the quest for knowledge, proficiency in written and oral communication skills and the capability to think independently. We nurture in students an open mind capable of analytical thinking, commitment and hard work and guide them to become confident, self-assured and caring citizens of tomorrow. We encourage all students to realise their true potential.

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to ensure communications by employees in and on online social networks are consistent with the TIS Employee Code of Conduct. These online social networks include, but are not limited to, multi-media and social network sites (Face book, LinkedIn, Podcasts, Yahoo, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), blogs (TIS Blogs and external), wikis (e.g. Wikipedia) and other user-generated media and sites where text, photos or videos may be posted, whether for personal or professional purposes.
1.2 The policy requirements in this document aim to:

  • Ensure that the reputation of the school, its staff and governors is protected
  • Safeguard all children
  • Protect the school from legal risks
  • Ensure that any users are able to clearly distinguish where information provided via social media is legitimately representative of the school

2.1 Employees are personally responsible and liable for the content they publish online, on any social network.
2.2 Members of staff are advised to consider the reputation of the school and corporate organization in any posts or comments related to the school on any social media accounts.
2.3 TIS employees are required to respect and adhere to all host country laws relating to access to specific sites and social networks. Failure to do so may result in internal disciplinary action as well as legal penalties.
2.4 Employees are legally responsible for their postings and may be subject to liability should the post be found defamatory, libelous and/or slanderous, constituting any form of harassment, discriminatory, or in violation of applicable law.
2.5 Employees’ personal comments published online relevant to TIS must include a disclaimer indicating that the views are their own and not of TIS. Personal use of social media
2.6 Direct contact between teachers and students is always an area where special care has to be taken because child safeguarding issues are at stake. Communication is only permissible where it is required for work purposes as below.
2.7 In scenarios where a teacher and student will have contact via social media (such as subject related Face book group where personal profiles are required to engage) communication should be transparent, accessible to line managers and parents and professional in content and tone.
2.8 Any communication received from children on any personal social media sites must be reported to the principal and nominated safeguarding leader.
2.9 If any member of staff is aware of any inappropriate communications involving any child in any social media, these must immediately be reported as above.
2.10 Staff should not accept any current pupil of any age or any ex-pupil of the school under the age of 18 as a friend, follower, and subscriber or similar on any personal social media account.
2.11 It is recognized that TIS teachers and other members of staff are often connected to TIS parents through personal social media. These relationships can bring significant personal benefits and also enhance the reputation of the company where the content posted by employees is positive. In such interactions, TIS employees must remain mindful of their association to the company and posts must not bring TIS adverse publicity or into disrepute.
2.12 Members of the school staff are strongly advised to set all privacy settings to the highest possible levels on all personal social media accounts.
2.13 It is highly encouraged that email communication between staff and members of the school community on school business should be made from an official school email account. Use of personal email addresses may be permitted in circumstances such as using Google forms.
2.14 Employees must refrain from citing clients, partners or colleagues without approval from the TIS Corporate Communications and the individuals concerned.
2.15 Employees must be aware of their association to TIS in personal online social networks. If an employee identifies themselves as a TIS employee, they must ensure their profile and content is professional at all times.
2.16 Online postings should not disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to TIS or to any third party that has disclosed information to the company. Such confidential information could include details and information regarding an employee’s business travel and employees should exercise due care in not revealing information which could give third parties insights into TIS’ business which they would otherwise not readily have access to. If you are unsure whether a certain piece of information may be published, check with TIS Legal prior to publishing such information. School sanctioned use of social media
2.17 The content of any school-sanctioned social media site should be solely professional and should reflect well on the school.
2.18 Admin rights of the account should be designated to a particular member(s) of staff responsible for posting and monitoring of content.
2.19 Details of the administrator / login details / site URL must be forwarded to the TIS Digital Communications for record keeping.
2.20 Any social media accounts set up should be entirely separate from any personal social media accounts held by that member of staff, and ideally should be linked to an official school email account.
2.21 The social media account is not permitted to be run by students themselves; there must be a designated member(s) of staff responsible for posting content. However, students would still be free to post on official comments and are encouraged to engage with material.
2.22 Regular monitoring is the key to maintaining an account which is appropriate and engaging.
2.23 Employees must respect their audience. They should not use ethnic slurs, personal insults, or engage in conduct that brings.
2.24 Staff must ensure they follow the correct school guidelines when posting images of students on social media sites, i.e. any students whose parents have indicated their child’s photograph cannot be used must not be featured, etc.
2.25 Care must be taken that any links to external sites from the account are appropriate and safe.
2.26 Staff should not engage with any direct messaging of students through social media where the message is not public. Other
2.27 All requests for interviews and/or questions/emails from the media are to be forwarded to TIS COMMUNICATIONS. TIS employees shall not conduct media interviews or make comments to the media without seeking approval from TIS Corporate Communications.
2.28 Inquiries from outside attorneys, regulators or government agencies should be directed to TIS Legal.

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